This article shows you how to safelist (whitelist) Portal in SpamAssassin so that our training notifications and simulated phishing emails can get through to your targets (end users). If you run into issues safelisting Portal in SpamAssassin, we suggest that you reach out to SpamAssassin for assistance. You may also get in touch with our Portal customer support. Note that SpamAssassin does not have an interface for safelisting, but you can add rules to the SpamAssassin config file to allow Portal’s emails through based on the email header and IP address of the phishing tests.
Shown below are the rules you’ll want to add to the SpamAssassin config file.
header __Portal_Header X-PHISHTEST =~ /\bPhishingBox\b/i
header __Portal_01 Received =~ /\[64\.191\.166\.196]/
header __Portal_02 Received =~ /\[64\.191\.166\.198]/
header __Portal_03 Received =~ /\[69\.72\.47\.194]/
header __Portal_04 Received =~ /\[64\.191\.166\.197]/
meta Portal (__Portal_Header && (__Portal_01 || __Portal_01 || __Portal_03 || __Portal_04 || __Portal_05))
describe Portal Mail is from Portal
score Portal -20.0
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