This article describes how to safelist (whitelist) the Portal's phishing emails in by email the instructions in this article are recommended only if you are using a cloud-based spam filter in front of GSuite. If you are using GSuite for your email and do not have an additional spam filter, you can safelist by IP address according to the instructions found in this article.
- Log into your GSuite admin console (
- Click on Apps.
- Go to G Suite > Gmail.
- Choose Advanced Settings.
- Go to the Compliance section (under General Settings).
- Hover over Content Compliance and click the Edit button.
- Below the Email messages to affect field check Inbound and Internal - receiving.
- Click ADD under Add expressions that describe the content you want to search for in each message.
- In the first drop-down menu, choose if ANY of the following match the message.
- In the second drop-down menu, choose Advanced content match.
- In the Location field, select Full headers.
- In the Match type field, select Contains text.
- In the Content field, enter the header text of your phishing emails. By default, Portal uses X-PHISHTEST.
- Click the Save button.
- In the If the above expressions match, do the following field, select Bypass spam filter for this Message under Spam.
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