Targets are the core component of simulated phishing tests. While targets are organized into groups, you may need to edit individual target details, add or remove targets, or access reports for specific targets. All of these actions can be managed from the Manage Targets page.
To get started, navigate to Targets / Groups > Manage Targets.
The Manage Targets Page
The Manage Targets Page allows you to view and edit targets.
- Active Status - This drop-down allows you to filter the targets based on if they are active, or inactive in the group.
- Group Select - Use this select drop-down menu to select the group whose targets you wish to view.
- Filter Targets - Click this button to open the Target Filtering popup, where you can filter targets by any combination of criteria, such as name, company, department, subgroup, city, and more. After adding your criteria, click "Filter" to apply the filters.
- Clear Filters - Clicking this button will clear any applied filters.
- Add New - Create a new single target.
- Import - Redirects you to the CSV import page, where you can upload a CSV file of targets into the group.
- Entries Drop-down - Use this select menu to choose how many entries you would like the table to display.
Target Details Columns - These columns display each target's name, the groups they belong to, and checkboxes for performing mass actions on selected targets. If the target is part of a subgroup, it will appear to the right of the main group name, separated by a colon. Hover the mouse over the
to view a list of other groups in which the target is a member.
Email Column - This column displays the target’s email address along with its validity status. An icon on the left side of the column visually indicates whether the email address is valid.
Indicates a valid email address.
Indicates an invalid email address. Targets require a valid email address before being tested.
- Last Test - This column displays when the target was last tested. Sorting on this column will arrange targets from most recently tested to oldest tested, or vice versa.
Actions - This column will display the active/inactive status of the target, and contains action buttons used to make additional actions on the targets.
will be displayed if the target is active,
will be displayed if the target is inactive. You can click the icons to toggle the status of the target. There will also be a View button that will take you to the Target Details page.
Mass Actions: This cluster of buttons will allow you to take actions on all the selected targets.
Delete - This will delete all of the selected targets from the group.
WARNING: If the target only exists inside one group then the target and all its historical data will be deleted
- Create Group - Create a new group that contains the selected targets.
- Deactivate (Activate, if viewing Targets Inactive in Group) - Deactivates/Activates the selected targets. Clicking this button brings up a popup that will let you choose to deactivate the targets in the current group or in all groups. Being "inactive in a group" will prevent the target from being included in campaigns on that group.
- Assign Sub-Group - Assign the selected targets into a sub group
Delete - This will delete all of the selected targets from the group.
Actions Drop-down - This drop-down will contain more options for changing the status or viewing the details of a target.
- View Details - This will redirect you to the Target Details page. This page will display results from the last 4 tests in which target participated, a list of tests on the target, actions taken by the target, and course information for the target.
- Generate Report- Loads a report for the target for all of its testing data.
- Download Report - Constructs a .pdf file containing information on a targets test results
Edit - This will open the edit target dialog.
Target Details
The target details tab will display and allow you to edit all the fields associated with the target. If you have configured custom fields for the group they will also be displayed.
Groups in which the target is not a member will appear in the left side, the group in which the target is created is on the right side. To add the target to additional groups, select the group(s) you wish to add the target to and click the ">" button. To add the target to all groups, click the ">>" button. Similarly, you can remove a target from groups by selecting group(s) the target is in on the right and clicking the "<" button.
Click "Save" to save the target's details and groups.
Target Details
- Deactivate (Hide/Remove) - Deactivates the target in the group. Inactive targets will not be included in tests and cannot be enrolled into courses.
Delete - Remove the target from the group. If the target is not in any other groups, the target will be deleted from the system. You also have the option to delete any student with the same email address as the target by choosing the "Delete Student and their Enrollments" in the second drop-down. If you leave the second drop-down as "Keep Student", then the student associated with the email address(es) you are deleting (if any such students exist) will be kept in the system.
WARNING: If a target is deleted from the system, so will all of the target's testing data. This action is not reversible.
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