You can get to the Target Details page by going to Targets/Groups > Manage Targets and clicking on the "View" button.
Click one of the links below to jump to a section:
Emails & School Overview
The top row of cards on the Target Details page shows the following Test statistics for the target:
- Emails delivered
- Emails opened
- Emails clicked
- Emails with data extended (clicked links, performed failure actions on the landing pages)
- Training pages reviewed
- Emails reported as phishing
The second row of cards on this page show the following School statistics for the target:
- Courses enrolled
- Courses not started
- Courses started
- Courses completed
- Courses overdue
- Average attempts per course
Summary Data and IP Map
The Summary Data section provides two charts: one that shows the target's pass/fail percentage and another that shows a breakdown by actions for all tests. You can view these charts in full screen, print the charts, or download or open as PNG, JPEG, PDF, CSV, or SVG.
The IP Map is a map of the IP addresses that are associated with actions performed by that target. You may view the map in full screen, print the map, download as PNG, JPEG, PDF, CSV, or XLS files. You can also view a data table of the map. There is an option to open the map in Highcharts Cloud.
Target Details
This section provides detailed information about the target - its name, UUID (a unique identifier for that target), email, organization/company, title, address, city, state, zip, country, business phone, business fax, mobile phone, language, and time zone. You can click these fields to modify their value. The back arrow at the bottom of the target details section will take you to the previous page. The Generate Report button will generate a report on that target.
Training Portal
The Training Portal section shows you if the target has a training account, when the target last logged into the school portal, and the total number of times the target has logged into the school portal. There is a back arrow that redirects back as well as a Report Generator button which will generate a report on the target.
The Groups tab displays what groups and sub groups the target is a member of, whether the metrics on that target within the group are current (and when they were last updated), and data about tests that the target was involved in within each group (emails scheduled, delivered, opened, etc. by the target). You can make the data unique (i.e. each action performed against an email only counts once). You may copy the data to your clipboard. You can also download/open it as a CSV or Excel file.
The Tests tab gives you details about the target's performance on all tests it has been included in. It shows if and when the metrics were last updated on that test, test name, start time, whether the target passed or failed, the target's most severe action, and the target's locale. In the far right column you can view the Test Details or Generate a Report for that test. The "Copy" button will copy the data to your clipboard. The "CSV" and "Excel" buttons will open or download a CSV/Excel file with the data in the Tests section.
The Actions tab shows a breakdown by action for the test. It shows the email associated with the action, the date/time of the action, the action type (Email Opened, Reported, etc.), the IP address associated with the action, a breakdown of user-agent information, any filters applied to the action, AHD fingerprints, and current status. You can also mass verify actions from this tab.
By default, only actions that are Verified (or simply counted for older tests) will show. You can view Suspicious, Filtered, or All actions by using the select box at the top of the tab. Additionally, you can choose to show or hide various columns by using the "Column Visibility" dropdown at the top of the tab.
You can manually verify/filter actions by using the buttons in the Status column or the links in the dropdown menu. A modal will open that will allow you to select additional actions based on matching Campaign/IP/User-Agent combinations. Additionally, you can choose to create a corresponding IP Filter or Verified IP based on the same conditions. From the dropdown menu, you can also choose to delete an action. WARNING: Deleting an action cannot be undone!
To get a deeper understanding of how AHD works, take a look at the article here Advanced Human Detection (AHD).
The Courses section shows you the target's progress on the different courses he/she has been enrolled in. You can copy the data to your clipboard, or download/open it as Excel, CSV, or PDF file. You may also print the data.
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