There are a number of options available for the types of data available for export. CSV's can be used to generate custom reports and dashboards, which are particularly useful in manipulating and storing large data sets.
To generate reports in CSV format, navigate to Reports > CSV Generator.
Use the links below to jump to a section:
Export Types
By Campaign - Data related to specific campaigns. Only one campaign's data can be exported per CSV. If you have more than one campaign selected, only the first selected campaign data will be exported.
- Campaign Actions Export - Export all target actions in the selected campaign. The data included in this export: test id, test name, date test created, date test started, date test ended, group id, group name, group is active, email address, action time, target name, action type, IP, action filtered, suspicious, verified, template id, template name, user agent, software, software type, operating system, hardware type, AHD used, detections, filters, and status.
- Campaign Emails Export - Export all emails sent by a campaign, along with email addresses sent to and associated metrics. The data included in this export: test id, test name, date test created, date test started, date test ended, group id, group name, group is active, message id, email address, first name, last name, is sent, date sent, failed delivery, metrics run date, outbound status, opens, links clicked, data extended, training page views, reported, auto replied, replied, failed, template id, and template name.
- Campaign Targets Export - Export all targets that participated in a campaign along with associated metrics. The data included in this export: campaign id, campaign name, campaign type, target id, email address, first name, last name, target is active, date added, date updated, target company, title, address one, address two, city, state, zip, country, country code, department, manager, manager email, phone business, phone mobile, optional fields, language, timezone, group id, group name, group is active, sub group, is active in group, unsent, error, bounced, delivered, opens, clicks, extended, training, reported, auto replied, replied, worst failed, date last tested, date last failed, and custom fields.
- Campaign Tests Export - Export the selected campaign's tests and associated metrics. The data included in this export: campaign id, campaign name, campaign type, test id, test name, date test created, date test started, date test ended, number of targets, emails scheduled, emails sent, email send errors, emails bounced, emails unsent, total opens, total links clicked, total data extended, total training page views, total emails reported, total auto replies, total replies, unique opens, unique clicks, unique data extended, unique training page views, unique emails reported, unique replies, unique auto replies, target opens, target links clicked, target data extended, target training page views, target emails reported, target replies, target auto replies, passed, failed, NRS total targets, NRS no response, Net Reporter Score, NRS reported only, NRS failed only, NRS report and failed, targets failed, and targets received training.
By Course - Select course data for export. Multiple courses can be selected. The CSV will contain course names along with enrollees and progress for each course selected.
- Course Enrollments Export - The data included in this export: target id, email address, first name, last name, target is active, date added, date updated target, company, title, address one, address two, city, state, zip, country, department, manager, manager email, phone business, phone mobile, optional fields, language, timezone, course id, course name, student id, is active, enrollment id, date enrolled, date started, date updated, date completed, percent complete, course step, score, number of tries, course time, enrollment manager email, and enrollment manager name.
By Group - Data related to specific groups. Multiple groups can be selected.
- Group Actions (Phishing/Training) Export - Export all actions taken on phishing/training emails sent to the group. The data included in this export: group id, group name, group is active, email address, action time, target name, action type, IP, action filtered, suspicious, verified, test name, campaign id, campaign name, campaign type, user agent, software, software type, operating system, hardware type, AHD used, detections, filters, and status.
- Group Campaigns (Phishing/Training) Export - Export phishing/training campaigns that have tested the group and associated data. The data included in this export: group id, group name, group is active, campaign id, campaign name, campaign type, number of targets, emails scheduled, emails sent, email send errors, emails bounced, emails unsent, total opens, total links clicked, total data extended, total training page views, total emails reported, total auto replies, total replies, unique opens, unique clicks, unique data extended, unique training page views, unique emails reported, unique replies, unique auto replies, target opens, target links clicked, target data extended, target training page views, target emails reported, target replies, target auto replies, passed, failed, NRS total targets, NRS no response, Average Net Reporter Score, NRS reported only, NRS failed only, NRS report and failed, targets failed, targets received training, flattened emails scheduled, flattened emails sent, flattened email send errors, flattened emails bounced, flattened emails unsent, flattened opens, flattened links clicked, flattened data extended, flattened training page views, flattened emails reported, flattened auto replies, and flattened replies.
- Group Emails (Phishing/Training) Export - Export all phishing/training emails sent to the group's targets, along with related metrics. The data included in this export: group id, group name, group is active, campaign id, campaign name, campaign type, message id, email address, first name, last name, is sent, date sent, failed delivery, metrics run date, outbound status, opens, links clicked, data extended, training page views, reported, auto replied, replied, and failed.
- Group Targets Export - Export the group's targets and associated metrics. The data included in this export: group id, group name, group is active, target id, email address, first name, last name, target is active, date added, date updated target company, title, address one, address two, city, state, zip, country, department, manager, manager email, phone business, phone mobile, optional fields, language, timezone, sub group, is active in group, phishing last tested, phishing last failed times, phishing tested, phishing emails scheduled, phishing emails unsent, phishing email errors, phishing emails bounced, phishing emails sent, phishing emails opened, phishing links clicked, phishing data extended, phishing training page views, phishing emails reported, phishing email replies, phishing auto replies, phishing unique opens, phishing unique clicks, phishing unique data extended, phishing unique training page views, phishing unique emails reported, phishing unique replies, phishing unique auto replies, phishing failures, phishing passes, training last tested times, training tested, training emails scheduled, training emails unsent, training email errors, training emails bounced, training emails sent, training emails opened, training links clicked, training data extended, training training page views, training emails reported, training email replies, training auto replies, training unique opens, training unique clicks, training unique data extended, training unique training page views, training unique emails reported, training unique replies, and training unique auto replies.
- Group Tests (Phishing/Training) Export - Export all phishing/training tests on the group and related data. That data included in this export: group id, group name, group is active, campaign id, campaign name, campaign type, test id, test name, date test created, date test started, date test ended, number of targets, emails scheduled, emails sent, email send errors, emails bounced, emails unsent, total opens, total links clicked, total data extended, total training page views, total emails reported, total auto replies, total replies, unique opens, unique clicks, unique data extended, unique training page views, unique emails reported, unique replies, unique auto replies, target opens, target links clicked, target data extended, target training page views, target emails reported, target replies, target auto replies, passed, failed, NRS total targets, NRS no response, Net Reporter Score, NRS reported only, NRS failed only, NRS report and failed, targets failed, and targets received training.
- Group Repeat Offenders (Phishing) - Export all repeat offender data for phishing tests (does not apply to training campaigns since targets cannot fail a training campaign). The data included in this export: failed, clicks, extended, target id, email address, first name, last name, target is active, date added, date updated target, company, title, address one, address two, city, state, zip, country, department, manager, manager email, phone business, phone mobile, optional fields, language, timezone, group id, group name, group is active, sub group, is active in group, and failed templates.
By Target - Export data on a per-target basis. Multiple targets can be selected from a group.
- Target Actions (Phishing/Training) Export - Export target(s) verified actions for phishing/training tests. The data included in this export: target id, email address, first name, last name, target is active, date added, date updated target, company, title, address one, address two, city, state, zip, country, department, manager, manager email, phone business, phone mobile, optional fields, language, timezone, campaign id, campaign name, campaign type, action time, target name, action type, IP, action filtered, suspicious, verified, user agent, software, software type, operating system, hardware type, AHD used, detections, filters, and status.
- Target Courses Export - Export target(s) courses and course progress. The data included in this export: course id, course name, student id, first name, last name, email address, is active, enrollment id, date enrolled, date started, date updated, date completed, percent complete, course step, score, number of tries, course time, enrollment manager email, enrollment manager name, target id, target is active, date added, date updated target, company, title, address one, address two, city, state, zip, country, department, manager, manager email, phone business, phone mobile, optional fields, language, and timezone.
- Target Emails (Phishing/Training) Export - Export emails sent to the selected target(s) and related data in phishing/training tests. The data included in this export: target id, email address, first name, last name, target is active, date added, date updated target, company, title, address one, address two, city, state, zip, country, department, manager, manager email, phone business, phone mobile, optional fields, language, timezone, campaign id, campaign name, campaign type, is sent, date sent, failed delivery, metrics run date, outbound status, opens, links clicked, data extended, training page views, reported, auto replied, replied, and failed.
- Target Tests (Phishing/Training) Export - Export phishing/training tests on the target and target test metrics. The data included in this export: test id, test name, date test created, date test started, date test ended, campaign id, campaign name, campaign type, target id, email address, first name, last name, target is active, date added, date updated target, company, title, address one, address two, city, state, zip, country, department, manager, manager email, phone business, phone mobile, optional fields, language, timezone, metrics run date, unsent, error, bounced, delivered, opens, clicks, extended, training, reported, auto replied, replied, worst, and failed.
By Test (Phishing/Training) - Export data on a per-test basis for either phishing or training tests. Multiple tests can be selected.
- Test Actions Export - Export all actions taken on phishing/training emails sent by a test. The data included in this export: test name, campaign type, test id, date test created, date test started, date test ended, campaign id, campaign name, template id, template name, email address, action time, target name, action type, IP, action filtered, suspicious, verified, user agent, software, software type, operating system, hardware type, AHD used, detections, filters, and status.
- Test Emails Export - Export all emails sent by a test and associated metrics. The data included in this export: test id, test name, date test created, date test started, date test ended, campaign id, campaign name, campaign type, template id, template name, message id, email address, first name, last name, is sent, date sent, failed delivery, metrics run date, outbound status, opens, links clicked, data extended, training page views, reported, auto replied, replied, and failed.
- Test Targets Export - Export all targets tested and related data for selected tests. The data included in this export: test id, test name, date test created, date test started, date test ended, campaign id, campaign name, campaign type, target id, email address, first name, last name, target is active, date added, date updated target, company, title, address one, address two, city, state, zip, country, department, manager, manager email, phone business, phone mobile, optional fields, language, timezone, sub group, is active in group, group id, group name, group is active, metrics run date, unsent, error, bounced, delivered, opens, clicks, extended, training, reported, auto replied, replied, worst, and failed.
- Test Failed Only Emails Export - Export the emails belonging to targets who failed in the selected tests. The data included in this export: test id, test name, date test created, date test started, date test ended, template id, template name, message id, email address, first name, last name, is sent, date sent, failed delivery, metrics run date, outbound status, opens, links clicked, data extended, training page views, reported, auto replied, replied, and failed.
You have the option to filter by target fields (email address, first name, department, etc.) and/or action types (email opened, clicked link in email, replied, etc.) on certain CSV exports. When you choose the "Include" button, then any data matching the query filter will be included in the export. If you choose the "Exclude" button, then any data NOT matching the filter will be included in the export. In the screenshot below, any targets that do not have the email address "email@mail.com" and do have the city "Lexington" will be included in the export.
NOTE: If the result set for the selected options are empty, the CSV will be empty — it will not contain a header row.
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